If you’ve stumbled upon the website, congratulations! To this date, I’ve yet to plug, promote, or advertise my blog anywhere. That you managed to find it, sulking in some lonely corner of the internet, is quite impressive. Thanks for stopping by!
In brief, I’ve decided to start blogging to continue building my writing and critical thinking skills. I haven’t set out to establish a unifying theme for my blog; I simply plan to write about whatever I find interesting at the moment, based on the books I’m reading, podcasts I’m listening to, or general musings that I want to articulate more precisely in writing. I’m a freshly graduated college student, and I hope to use this blog as an opportunity to explore all kinds of ideas in lieu of school. The structured format of college assignments—readings, discussions, papers, etc.—is very conducive to kind of intellectual engagement I seek to approximate with blogging. Moreover, with the ever-increasing ease of access to generative AI, it’s tempting to let robust LLMs do the heavy lifting for us. I want to make sure that I don’t make a habit of outsourcing my creativity and competence to AI overlords just yet.
To that end, it is really for myself that I created this blog. If others find it intriguing, all the better! As it stands now, I have no intentions of monetizing or selling anything here. I also don’t have a particular posting schedule in mind, though I hope to generate new material at least once a week.
I should also note that anything wise on this site ought to be credited to the brilliance of others who have inspired me to grapple with their ideas; anything foolish is the result of my own error.
One more thing—I’m always looking for interesting material to dig into. If you have any wisdom or suggestions, please contact me or leave a comment on any of my posts!